Naropa Summer Writing Program, Boulder, CO

Naropa Summer Writing Program, Boulder, CO

WEEK 4: July 22 – July 28, 2013

Third Mind: A Poetics of Performance, Cooperation and Affinity

The Kerouac School’s final SWP week is a concatenation of many voices, seeing that poetry, and storytelling, and cut up, and vocal play in its many guises are not closed systems.  Rather we delight in the possibilities of an applied poetics, applied in this case to working with others, be it the recording studio, the letterpress print shop, the meditation hall, the hallways, byways and hiking trails of our “experiment” in collaboration. The term “third mind” comes from the collaborations and cut-up and erasure experiments of William Burroughs (former teacher at the KSDP) and Brion Gysin, writer and visual artist. We will create libretti, music, oral duets, movies, multifaceted narrations, and innovations with montage, and see what emerges “dreaming as one.”

For more information on Week 4, click here.

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